Truths about the Six-Day War: U.S. CIA & military secretly helped Israelis
CIA & military secretly helped Israelis,
Mid-East Realities, 11 June 1997
MER - Most of the lies and distortions about the Six Day War
in 1967 when Israel occupied the Golan, West Bank, Gaza, and East
Jerusalem, remain today 30 years later.
The reality is that Israel encouraged and then took advantage of that
war for many political, economic, and territorial reasons. In the
following column by Prof. Tanya Reinhart, she puts this into
perspective in so far as Israel's attack on Syria and capture of the
Golan in the last days of the war.
What history still does not properly record are:
- Israel never was in military danger, the Israeli Army was always aware they could overpowered all the Arab armies.
- The US CIA was greatly involved in providing Israel intelligence information that greatly helped them win the war in such a short time.
- US military personnel, disguised as civilians and on secret missions to which they were sworn to secrecy, helped the Israelis with specific technical and intelligence-gathering operations.
There is also a considerable likelihood that in the years following
the war the American CIA, cooperating with the Israeli Mossad,
targeted Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt, just as was the case
with other
anti-Americanleaders in other parts of the world. Nasser's death may have been one of the CIA's greatest and most secret
successes. Recent revelations in Washington of destroyed CIA files dealing with foreign assassinations in the 50s and 60s adds a further dimension to this serious possibility.]
Dayan admits Israel attacked Syria in land grab
By Prof. Tanya Reinhart, translated from Yediot Aharonot, 6 May 1997
In June, it would be 30 years to the war of 1967 - the war that
brought about the occupation. Governments have changed from Labor to
Likud and back several times since then, and what has changed?
Yediot Aharonot of April 27 has published an 1976 interview with Moshe
Dayan (which was not previously published). Dayan, who was the defense
minister in 1967, explains there what led, then, to the decision to
attack Syria. In the collective consciousness of the period, Syria
was conceived as a serious threat to the security of Israel, and a
constant initiator of aggression towards the residents of northern
Israel. But according to Dayan, this is 'bull-shit' - Syria was not a
threat to Israel before 67.
Just drop it- he says as an answer to a question about the northern residences -
I know how at least 80% of all the incidents with Syria started. We were sending a tractor to the demilitarized zone and we knew that the Syrians will shoot. If they did not shoot, we would instruct the tractor to go deeper, till the Syrians finally got upset and start shooting. Then we employed artillery, and later also the air-force... I did that... and Itzhak Rabin did that, when he was there (as commander of the Northern front, in the early sixties).
And what has led Israel to provoke Syria? According to Dayan, this
was the greediness for the land - the idea that it is possible
to grab a piece of land and keep it, until the enemy will get tired and give it to us. The Syrian land was, as he says, particularly tempting, since, unlike Gaza and the West bank it was not heavily populated.
The 67 war has brought the big chance to grab the land, and along with
the land, the water of the of the Jordan Riverheads. Dayan insists
that the decision to attack Syria was not motivated by security
You do not attack the enemy because he is a bastard, but because he threatens you, and the Syrians in the fourth day of the war were not threatening us. He adds that the initiative of Colonel David Elazar to open the Syrian front was assisted by a delegation sent to prime-minister Eshkol by the Northern kibbutz's,
who did not even try to hide their greediness to that land.
In 1973, the Israeli society has paid, for the first time, a heavy
price for the occupation - in the 'Yom Kippur' war. The interview
with Dayan was held three years after the defeat, and in that
atmosphere, he explains that the decision to attack Syria was a
mistake that will disable, in the future, peace with Syria.
One could infer from Dayan's words that he would have, perhaps,
supported, withdrawal from the Golan heights, but Rabin, his partner
to the road of the Labor, has never changed his skin. At the first
period of his term as prime-minister, many believed that he is seeking
an agreement with Syria. But behind the halo of our saviour the
peace-maker, there was the same land-greedy commander who sent the
tractors to provoke the Syrians in the early sixties.
In the tradition of all his predecessors, Rabin used the tactics of
dragging negotiations: He agreed to discuss everything (the location
of inspection points, the dates of opening embassies) except for the
one issue that Syria was interested in - which lands Israel is willing
to give up in the Golan. While Rabin's one hand was spreading rumors
about secret agreements, to pacify public opinion, his other hand was
pouring unprecedented budgets for developing the Israeli settlements
in the Golan Heights. Apartments previously frozen were sold to
anyone interested, and huge amounts of money were invested in
developing foundation work and industry. All Netanyahu had to do is
pick the fruits.
Thirty years after, the land-greedy are still stealing and
appropriating it wherever possible - in the Golan heights, as in the
West Bank. What we are left with are the words of Yifat Kastiel, whose
twin sister was murdered recently in Wadi Kelet:
They fight here all the time over pieces of land. But what importance could the land have, when the people who live here are so miserable?
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