The History Of Blogger
Blogger was first launched on August 23, 1999. It was created by Pyra Labs. Blogger is one of the earliest blog
publishing tools. It has been credited for helping to popularize the
format. At first Blogger was entirely free and there was no income
model. When Pyra Lab’s money was diminished, the employees worked
without pay for weeks, even months. This caused a lot of employees to
leave the company. Evan Williams, who is the co founder of Blogger, ran
the company solely by himself after the loss of income. He then was
lucky to seal an investment by Trellix. Soon after, advertising
started supporting Blogger, and Blogger Pro emerged.
Labs was bought out by Google in February of 2003. The acquisition to
Google was done subtly. The acquisition allowed premium features,
which were once charged for, to become free. Then, around a year
later, Evan Williams left Google. In 2004 Google purchased Picasa.
When they did this they incorporated Picasa and its photo sharing
utility into Blogger. This movement brought in more users because it
allowed them to post photos to their blogs.
2004 Blogger completed a significant redesign. They added multiple
features. These features included individual archive pages for posts,
comments, posting by email, and web templates. On August 14, 2006,
Blogger brought forth its latest and more advanced version in beta.
This version’s code name was Invader. Invader attracted even more
users to Google servers and included some new features. However, at
the end of 2006 Blogger was removed from beta. By May 2007, Blogger
had entirely moved over to Google operated dedicated servers.
was ranked 16 on the list of the top 50 domains in conditions of
numbers of visitors in the year 2007. Blogger has been redesigned
multiple times through out its existence. Its most drastic redesign
took place in 2006. All blogs, which were associated with a user’s
Google account, were automatically moved to Google servers. This made
Blogger claim that the service was more reliable due to the quality of
the servers provided by Google. Along with the movement to Google
servers, there were new features introduced. These features
included, a drag and drop template-editing interface, label
organization, and new web feed options. In addition the blogs were
updated enthusiastically, as opposed to rewriting HTML files.
Additional Facts:
Google toolbar has a feature that is called BlogThis. This tool bar
allows users that have blogger accounts to post links directly to
their blogs no matter the size.
for Word” is a completely free add in for Microsoft Word. This add
in enables users to save a MS word document right onto a Blogger
blog. They can also edit their post any time on and offline.
However, in January 2007, Google
stated that Blogger Word is not compatible with the new version of
blogger coming out, and they do not know if they will support it in the
Blogger is extremely supportive of Google's AdSense service as a means of income from running a blog.
Blogger offers multiple author support. This support makes it possible to set up group blogs.
Blogger also offers a template-editing feature that allows users to modify the Blogger template.
Windows live Writer, which is a standalone application of the Windows Live suite, publishes straight to Blogger.
only two countries which have sworn off blogger and have blocked it
is, Turkey and Pakistan. The reasons for this have never been
Bloggers main website is The blogs which it host are all from
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